Britain’s plans to leave the European Union could profoundly affect clinical drug research in the U.K. The impact spans a broad range of unknowns, from where the London-based EMA will put down roots to Brexit’s influence on trial regulations, cost, funding, and recruiting of scientific talent. Our Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Colin Hayward, addressed these challenges in a podcast focused on how Britain’s withdrawal will affect clinical R&D.
Planning for the exit occurs at a pivotal time in clinical trial regulation, with Clinical Trial Regulation EU 536/2014 set to create more favorable conditions for researchers. Funding impact is a significant unknown, given that the British government finances almost a third of EU drug research — and the prominent role overseas investors play in U.K. studies. Meanwhile, the U.S. dollar’s rising value against the pound is making Britain a more attractive choice for trial placement.
Hear Dr. Hayward’s thoughts on these and other topics from the conference on “Brexit and its Impact on the Pharma Industry – Do we have a Plan B?” hosted by pharmacovigilance consultant, IntuVigilance.