Premier People: Stacy Miller, Principal Records Specialist

Premier Cultural Anchor: One Team

“Premier Research creates excellent teams by bringing together individuals with different backgrounds and skillsets and really using their knowledge and experience.

I fell into clinical research when I got an interview with Premier Research.

Premier needed someone to transfer document information into their trial management system — and a few minutes into the interview, I realized I really wanted the job. I explained that even though I didn’t have a clinical background, I was sure I could review study documents for accuracy because I had worked in law for many, many years scrutinizing documents in minute detail. Then came the question: “How are your computer skills?” And I was honest: My computer skills weren’t the greatest. But I also said, “I can guarantee that if you hire me, I will give it my all. I will take the training that you offer. I will ask relevant questions. I will be an employee that you can be proud to have.” Now, I’m about to celebrate my eighth anniversary at Premier.

The culture of understanding and acceptance that made this job possible for me turns out to be one of Premier’s core values. We call it “One Team.” We help each other. We work across departments and jump into whatever needs to be done. We’re all expected to do our individual jobs, of course, but we never feel as though we’re separate. We are all Premier, and we work as one unified team.

Over the years, the time and guidance I’ve received from colleagues and management has been invaluable. Recently, I had an opportunity to pay it forward. We had just begun working with some new colleagues in Asia. They were very experienced, but they weren’t used to Premier’s systems, making it a little challenging for them. My manager asked me to step in. I had never been the lead on a team, and I wanted to help. I created training for them, reviewed documents, held weekly calls. I’m so proud of the strides they’ve made. And I am so happy to have been able to repay the trust that Premier put in me.

There’s a little more background concerning how I came to Premier and how life-changing it really was. About a decade before my interview, my mother was diagnosed with cancer. My whole world came crashing in, starting a downward spiral for the next nine years. After her passing, I knew my life would be changed forever — even though at the time, I was unaware of how significant this change would be. Losing the person who gives you life can affect you in ways that can’t be explained in mere words. Getting the opportunity with Premier was so important in turning my life back around. Since then, I’ve found my work means more to me because I know how important it is for the patients and the families we are trying to help. It’s one reason I am so dedicated to my job.

I came into Premier with a promise to take advantage of whatever training the company would offer. I think it paid off for Premier and for me. And eight years later, I’m still training, too. My manager would like me to be a Trial Master File lead, so I’m learning quality review for more intricate databases. Premier constantly builds on your strengths, helping you grow. That kind of personal and professional support is rare in an employer. It’s one of the reasons I’m still here. I love the culture. I love the company. I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.