Ludo Reynders, Ph.D.

Chief Executive Officer

Ludo Reynders’ title is Chief Executive Officer, but he describes his main role as Chief Customer Officer. He focuses on customer satisfaction, and especially on satisfying future rather than past market needs. “We have to focus on what we do best,” he says. “Things like supporting the exploding need for targeted therapies, which requires the joint development of the diagnostic test and the therapeutic product. We are strong in both areas and we are ready to deploy our capabilities and align our services to our customers’ future needs.”

Prior to joining Premier Research in 2010, Dr. Reynders held a number of senior management positions in the CRO and pharmaceutical industries. As the CEO at AAIPharma, he led the reorganization of the company from a specialty pharmaceutical business to a full-service development services company. As President of European operations and CEO of the CRO business at Quintiles, he was instrumental in the company’s international growth in Europe and then globally. At Bristol Myers, he was a key member of the team that developed the company’s European clinical development operations.

Dr. Reynders holds master’s and doctorate degrees in the applied biological sciences from the University of Leuven, Belgium.

“We’re not a small copy of a big CRO. Our customers are relatively young and dynamic companies who know they will not be successful if they try to copy big pharma. They are open to new ways of doing things, and the opportunities are tremendous.”

Senior Leadership

Shari Medendorp, MPH

Shari Medendorp, MPH

President, Premier Consulting , ,
Sean Russell, M.A.

Sean Russell, M.A.

Chief Commercial Officer, ,
Ashish Jain, MPharm

Ashish Jain, MPharm

SVP, Asia-Pacific, ,
Krista Armstrong, Ph.D.

Krista Armstrong, Ph.D.

SVP, Clinical Operations, North America ,